Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mumbai: overstuffed & overstaffed

I am outta Mumbai. This seems an accomplishment as getting out was not as easy as I had thought, or as it had seemed 2 days ago when we booked our tickets to Goa. Quickly, I'll just say a few things about Mumbai; only having spent a few days I can give an impression. Firstly, this city is packed. It is overstuffed. There are literally people everywhere - and driving out of the city confirmed this. It seemed to take almost 2.5 Hours to get out of the city. With that said, and with the alarming amount of people who do not appear to be working or employed, everywhere you go is totally overstaffed. A tiny cafe restaurant that could easily be run by one server and a busser has at least 5 to 7 on hand. This seems to explain why perhaps everyone is payed to low - the limited work has to be shared several ways.
My favorite place in Mumbai was Chowpatty beach . We went there twice during our stay - once on a friggin' 10 km walk through the city... and apparently a small jumgle... which felt like walking through a hockey bag... that was inside an oven. Did I mention its hot here? My other favorite place, that we went to three time (!!) was a resto called Laxmi Villa. Seriously amazing.
Speaking of over staffed, this brings me to my 'bus' ride story - also known as a total 'bust'. With the train station not only closed, but all trains apparently booked we looked to get some bus tickets. After haggling for a while we settled on a non AC sleeper for only $1600IR (thats about $20 each). When we went to catch it, the bus had 'broken down' but not to worry, we could get seats on a sitting bus. Turns out this bus looked like it had seen better days - even before the apparent war zone it had also gone through. The driver was wild. Leaving the city gave a glimpse of Indian life (and odor) that we didn't see in the central city. The poverty was alot to take in, even at a ragingly fast speed, as was the smell - it seemed a strange mix of diaper and death.
But, now we are safe and sound in Goa. It is much quieter here and there are white people everywhere. We went to the market and got suckered into buying more than I wanted, but got some good trinkets none the less. We are staying at a cheap and cheerful little place close to the beach and some good eating. Hoping that Goa give a little peace before we head onto Hampi (thats right Josh - we're going to Hampi! - I'll jump on a rock for you!)


  1. I love coming down in the morning and starting my day reading of your adventures. We have a friend from Goa- Darryl, a rampie at LHR- I met him when waiting for my flight after you left for Mumbai. He's been out to Silver Star with us.. Interested in being connected? You with a tan? lot's of suscreen dear- yes mother. xoxoxoxoxoxox

  2. What an adventure already! Can't wait to hear what Hampi's like. Are you guys going to Kerala? Go to Kerala!!!

    ...but Ellie, I really don't think India's poverty is caused by overemployment in restaurants.....

  3. girl i just wrote a big long fun comment about fast buses passing other buses on treacherous mountain roads, but it got deleted. the next one'll be fun.
    reading you and loving you!
