Saturday, October 17, 2009


We arrived in Mumbai late last night to some new and different sounds and sights. It was about 1:30 when we arrived at the "hotel Metro Palace" where we were 'royal guests' - or so said the welcome card by the bed. Last night was the first I slept soundly and hard since leaving Toronto. I guess my body needed it.

Taking a cab from Badra (a suburb by the airport) to our new hostel showed an instant glimpse of India - by the time our driver dropped us at Victoria train station (there is another, longer name for it I can't remember) - I saw some of the most glamorous women I've ever seen, cows in the street, babies in the streets crying and looking hungry, men sleeping on the side of the road, lights and color and rickshaws. From the station we walked and thank goodness for Darius's orienteering - I would have been totalyl lost. But we made it, and then set out for a walk. At the harbor about 10 people stopped to have their picture taken with me - all in the same pose - we must look like we are shaking hands. This was a first. And peole stare like they have never seen a foriegner before. Sunglasses are a big help.

We got back to the hostel this afternoon, and both passed out for about an hour from heat and jet lag. We made it to a tiny and HOT cybercafe for a hot minute but soon my sleepy and jetlagged self is gonna need some food and water.

Once I figure it out I promise for picture of London and the first few days here. We'll likely leave on Tuesday to Goa for some beach time relaxing.


Its Diwali here and so maybe we'll find somehwere to celebrate... India style.

Until there is something more... I miss my hunnies lots and lots.


  1. it's alex. not heidi... just using her lappy.

    sounds fun. i am horribly envious, and think you must just be having a great time. heidi and i are both thinking of you and have been reading your blob.

    be safe

  2. You MADE IT! Ellie, I'm so proud of you! I'm sure you're still soaking in every foreign moment, trying to relate and understand- good luck! Please go see my mother in Chennai, if I haven't sent you her blog, it's
    i love you dear, and wish you rich adventures! Montreal is cold, you're not missing out.
    xoxoxoxoxo from kat and i.

  3. Hi Lil,
    Love you blog and will follow it, soon glad you are not travelling alone, have fun and yes be safe. Your Other Mother (YOM) :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lil Miss celebrity over there too.
    You write really well, a modern day Mead :)

  6. i'm so relieved that you're with Darius. when you come home, can we take a picture shaking hands?
